Vantage Point Center for Psychotherapy


Application Process

# of Predoctoral internship applicants in current training year: 8

Training Year: 2020 - 2021

# of Predoctoral internship applicants in current training year: 2

Please specify your application procedure:

Please email the below listed items to the email address: and and address to Drs. Polsky and Miller.


Additional documents does your program required (if any)

Transcripts - Graduate
If applying for advanced training in OCD or Eating Disorders please discuss relevant training or experience and/or particular interest in learning about these specialties. For those applying to be part of the assessment track, please submit one full deidentiifed battery.

Required/Desired Experience (e.g., specific populations, testing, etc):

Experience and interest in working with ED, Trauma, OCD, and groups. we would Ideally prefer students that are interested in working with diverse population and LGBTQIA clients. For Assessment, we want someone with significant Assessment experience, i.e., full Assessment Practicum.

Letter of intent content (submitted to CAPIC as part of the complete student application to internship):

A description of clients worked with previously and group experience and how our site would match your career goals.

Please briefly describe the clinical and educational experience necessary to be considered for acceptance into your training program:

We encourage students with strong clinical (individual) experience to apply. Previous experience in community mental health or university setting would be helpful. Experience or special interest in anxiety disorders/OCD and eating disorder treatment would be a huge plus. We are looking for students who have worked with adult/teens clients individually and groups, know how to treatment plan, have some formation of their theoretical orientation, and most importantly a desire to learn, grow, and be flexible. We value team work, multicultural competence, understanding about white privilege, and interest/experience with the LGBTQIA+ community. For our Assessment track please have at least one practicum with significant assessment experience.

Specific Coursework (e.g., Neuropsychology, child Development, etc): Indicate if coursework is required or preferred below:

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Describe the interview process for your agency (individual or group interview, role playing required, case presentation required, etc):

The interview process consists of an individual interview and will include a case presentation and possibly a group interview. It will also include interviewing and discussions with current interns.

Describe what you are looking for in an applicant:

We are interested in motivated, open-minded students that are passionate about clinical work and diversity. We value team work and someone who wants to be a part of and contribute to a team. A student that is interested in developing a specialization would be a very good fit for the organization.

Other information not covered above:

Please briefly note any additional comments about the application process here:

Please upload your agency's supplemental documents, including your Brochure, Training Manual, Certificate of Completion, and CVs of all supervisors, as well as any other supporting documents you may have, such as a Syllabus, or Didactic Schedule, etc.

When you first login, you will see the link to "Manage documents" next to your agency name. Please click on that link, or simply click here, and it will instruct you on how to upload documents from your computer to your agency profile.

These documents will only be seen by CAPIC Administration, not students or other agencies. They are required as important aspects of our Quality Assurance program. Please upload your documents even if you have previously submitted them to CAPIC in another form. We now need them in electronic form as part of your online profile.

Have these files been uploaded? No

Please upload the agency's formalized written due process/grievance procedures which includes notice, hearing, and appeal processes for interns.

When you first login, you will see the link to "Manage documents" next to your agency name. Please click on that link, or simply click here, and it will instruct you on how to upload documents from your computer to your agency profile.

These documents will only be seen by CAPIC Administration, not students or other agencies. They are required as important aspects of our Quality Assurance program. Please upload your documents even if you have previously submitted them to CAPIC in another form. We now need them in electronic form as part of your online profile.

Have these files been uploaded? No

Is office space available for trainees? Yes

We have several offices available for students. Full-time interns will have their own space.

Is your program accredited by the American Psychological Association? No

If yes, please what is the status of your accreditiation?

Is your training program a current member of the Association of Predoctoral and postdoctoral Internship centers (APPIC)? Yes

Do you have concerns about the stability of your agency and/or training program? No

If yes, please what is the status of your accreditiation?

Does your agency agree to adhere to the timetables, policies and procedures of the CAPIC application/selection process? Yes
  • County - CA
  • Contact Person Title - Clinical Director
  • Contact Person - KATIE POLSKY, PhD
  • Dir. of Training Title - Training Director
  • Dir. of Training - Karen Miller, PhD

  • Last Updated - 26 February 2024

  • Number of Applicants Last Year - 8

  • Participating in CURRENT Match process - Yes

  • CAPIC Member Since - 2019
  • Region - No. Cal
  • Internships Status - Full
  • Statuses approved by CAPIC
    • Half-Time 1 Year - No
    • Half-Time 2 Years - No
    • Full-Time 1 Year - Yes
  • CAPIC Internship Types Available:
    • Half-Time 1 Year - No
    • Half-Time 2 Years - No
    • Full-Time 1 Year - Yes

Primary Location

  • Executive Director - Katie Polsky, PhD
  • 425 University Ave.
  • Ste 100
  • Phone - (916)284-1416
  • Fax - (916)284-1416

Training/Clinical Services Offered

  • Assessment
  • Brief
  • Consultation
  • Crisis
  • Family
  • Group
  • Individual
  • Long Term
  • Neuropsych
  • Outpatient
  • Psych. Testing