Training and Education Offered by Internship
Please describe your objective in training Predoctoral interms. Please include a brief description of your training program and how it fits within the goals or mission of your agency:
Goals and objectives: To assist interns in developing skills in the following areas: psychotherapy and listening skills, theoretical conceptualization of clients, evaluative and developing a provisional diagnosis. Our goals also include assisting interns in further developing their professional identity, raising their self-awareness and reflectivity, assisting them with understanding the therapeutic significance of transference and countertransference.
Psychology interns attend weekly 2-hour group supervision, 1-hour individual supervision, 2-hour mandatory training and may participate in specialty training track: immediate interventions, group therapy, initial consultation, LGBTQI affirmative practices, family therapy, couples therapy, and the school or club tracks to work with adolescents.
During the course of supervision, transference and countertransference issues are addressed. Interns use theoretical conceptualization in presenting their work during supervision, to inform their work with clients and when writing summary updates regarding the client's progress. Each service offered to the community is a training opportunity for interns.
If applicable, describe in detail how the internship training differs from practicum training:
Interns take more of a leadership role at the clinic, and can mentor other students. Interns may present information from outside training sources to the other training-clinicians at bi-weekly training seminars.
Pre-doctoral interns are responsible for maintaining a 10-12 client case load each week. Participation in the Initial Consultation Track and/or the Immediate Intervention Track is required, each of which offer additional supervision. Interns participate in conducting at a minimum, one Initial Consultation each week, which includes a clinical interview and assigning a provisional diagnosis based on the presenting symptoms of the client. Interns maintain current client files by writing progress notes following each session and providing summary reports on each client after 10 sessions, then 30 sessions and every subsequent 30 sessions.
Several predoctoral interns also have the opportunity to present their dissertation topic and research at one of the Training Seminars. Pre-doctoral interns also assist with outreach, program proposals and the clinic's representation on social media.
Training/Clinical Services Offered:
Assessment, Brief, Consultation, Couple, Crisis, Family, Group, Individual, Inpatient, Long Term, Neuropsych, Other, Outpatient, Psych. Testing
Comments Regarding Theoretical Orientation of Staff
Case management is often integrated into the therapy work with clients as needs arise. AMCS also offers Psychiatric Services to clients, interns often attend those appointments with the clients.