Training and Education Offered by Internship
Please describe your objective in training Predoctoral interms. Please include a brief description of your training program and how it fits within the goals or mission of your agency:
The following objectives are set for the predoctoral interns:
1. Increased competency in forensic evaluations as evidenced by an increase in intern’s ability to write forensic reports with decreasing assistance from the primary supervisor.
2. Enhanced development of psychotherapy skills as evidenced by an increase in the intern’s ability to conceptualize a case from multiple perspectives with decreasing assistance from the primary supervisor.
3. Increased expertise in trauma and family violence as determined by the intern’s ability to incorporate this knowledge into his or her clinical work and forensic writing skills.
4. Increased writing and research skills as demonstrated in the submission of one journal article for publication.
5. Increase in multicultural competence as evidenced by an increase in the intern’s ability to conceptualize cases and formulate treatment plans from a cultural perspective.
Interns will attend weekly trainings on clinical and forensic topics and be supervised by licensed professionals with a background in forensic work. Objectives fit into the mission of this agency by increasing skills and knowledge and promoting violence-free living.
If applicable, describe in detail how the internship training differs from practicum training:
Practicum students are primarily focusing on clinical work, while the interns have a heavier focus on forensic work.
In this role, interns will be under the supervision of Dr. Morgan Shaw, Dr. Gimel Rogers, and Dr. Robert Geffner. Interns will be expected to attend a minimum of 2 hour of individual supervision and 2 hours of group supervision each week. In addition, it is expected that interns attend and work at IVAT’s annual International Summit (held in September in San Diego). Interns' responsibilities will include conducting record reviews for court cases, providing psychological assessment and therapy to clients, providing supervised visitation for parents and their children, and conducting relevant literature searches related to journal articles or court cases. Though there are opportunities to conduct therapy, the bulk of the work at IVAT/FVSAI is in forensic work. Interns will also be expected to contribute to a journal article to be published during your training year.
Training/Clinical Services Offered:
Assessment, Brief, Consultation, Couple, Crisis, Family, Group, Individual, Inpatient, Long Term, Neuropsych, Other, Outpatient, Psych. Testing
Comments Regarding Theoretical Orientation of Staff
Forensic services (consultation, evaluations and report writing.) Though we offer couples and family services, interns can expect to have few, if any, of these clients on their caseload.